Overcast rolled through and in between there was sun. The dove, Carolina wren, and titmice were back along with the cardinals, chickadees, and house finches. One titmouse tried the hummer feeder. Gulls cruised the creek.

As I rested outside, a
paper wasp walked on my foot, tickling. When I moved, it hustled off apologetically. Butterflies showed up while I was cooking. One was a
painted lady. A fiery skipper enjoyed the rosemary. A palamedes swallowtail flitted around.
A white breasted nuthatch came for lunch. Several squirrels showed up, one of which had raw patches, and another I hope was white spot - I haven't seen her for quite a while.
The beautyberries were popular with a cardinal and a brown thrasher while the finches and a mockingbird ate dogwood berries. I hear lots of jays calling - I don't know if they were eating berries or acorns.

A least flycatcher visited - first time I've seen one! A female red-bellied woodpecker tried the oak where a limb had been sawed off. An egret fished across the creek. I rescued a beautiful
tiger beetle and it didn't even bite me.
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