Fortunately a wet bathing suit cures that. But I think the wildlife rests in the heat. There were intermittent gusts of wind. Spiders and beetles and some
wasps landed in the pool along with a lot of leaves. A cicada killer flew around the pool steps. A white cabbage
butterfly and later a monarch or viceroy passed through. A skink climbed the timbers beside the steps. Three buzzards circled over the creek and one came overhead at treetop height. The beauty berry is beginning to turn purple.
More birds began to appear when the sky finally clouded over. Titmice joined the regulars. Jays proclaimed from the trees. A handful of goldfinches landed in the top of the redwood. A juvenile robin, still somewhat speckled, perched in the oak. I glimpsed one
dragonfly aloft.

Sunset was very gold with lower clouds drifting East like smoke.
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