I saw very few birds - just crows and some swallows high up. I know others have been seeing
tree swallows so I'm guessing that's what they were. Something left its skull in the backyard, maybe a rabbit. It had a rodent-type upper jaw but looked big for a squirrel.

The black swallowtail caterpillars have been devouring the parsley and there are some on the rue. Yellow jackets and other wasps were busy. A yellowjacket was chewing the bench slats to make paper in the nest. Another walked on my hand when I passed the rosemary. A cabbage butterfly made the rounds.

The saltmarsh fleabane and the saltbush have both gone to seed and their fluff is blowing in the wind.
The temperature had dropped when I went out to brick the feeder but the night was still clear enough that I could see the crescent moon. An hour later it was raining.
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