The creek had that fall reflective quality until around 9am. Titmice were up early with the regulars. A white cabbage butterfly and a honeybee joined the bumblebees on the rosemary. A cardinal went for berries instead of seeds.
A brown thrasher poked around the azaleas by the fence. A house finch with
infected eyes was on the feeder so now I need to disinfect it.

Spiders continue to occupy the pool. I'm beginning to think they are grass spiders not fishing spiders. Thread-waisted wasps and honey bees and carpenter bees enjoyed the rosemary. I hope the dock gets fixed soon - "Club Mallard" and duckdock are getting to be way too accurate.
A mockingbird entertained me with a wide repertoire but I never saw the bird. I heard and glimpsed a red-bellied woodpecker. Jays were everywhere calling but only flashes across the yard. But I caught the brown thrasher up in the oak.

The first quarter moon was overhead a little after sunset. I got some pictures despite clouds.
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