The temperature was pleasant even before the sun was up, but clouds moved in soon after. Squirrels were busy. One seemed quite young. By late morning it really looked like rain. I heard but did not see a kingfisher.
After lunch, a few drops of rain fell, not even enough to freckle the pavement. Then the sky reverted to passing clouds from the South and the day turned lovely. An egret flew upstream. I heard blue jays and cardinals behind me and a woodpecker tapping somewhere.

In the pool I saw a mama spider with a bundle of eggs, plus many more spiders, many crickets and beetles, two snails, a grub or maggot, and the prize of the day: a
Florida predatory stinkbug. More weeping conks have sprung up. Lots of honeybees and carpenter bees grazed the rosemary along with a fiery skipper. It was so pleasant that I sat outside wet till 4pm.
The big cumulus clouds disappeared leaving mare's tails and contrails that turned rose at sunset.
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