The sky was hazed with streaky clouds. Rainwater in the birdbath had turned to ice and there was frost on the mulch and dock. The creek was clear, however, and placid. Hooded mergansers, buffleheads, and Canada geese were out early. This rather Goth female spent considerable time bathing and preening.

fox sparrow hit a window in the front of the house. It staggered off a little and slowly recovered. I left it alone aside from photos.

As I was cooking, I saw a dark eyed junco foraging in the mulch with a white throated sparrow. Chickadees were busy with the feeder. The temperature already rose quite a bit and the birdbath melted. The hermit thrush reappeared briefly.
Chickadees continued to visit through lunch. We spent the afternoon at a party and when we returned home is was cold again. The first quarter moon was bright overhead, undimmed by the clouds flowing out of the West.
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