The first pelican of fall sailed upstream at breakfast. Not much else happened in the morning.

In the afternoon, birds flitted all around the edges of the yard while only chickadees ventured out to the feeder. A brown creeper hitched its way up and around the oak trunk. It was two far to get a good photo of such a small bird. A yellow rumped warbler landed among red dogwood leaves. Mallards dabbled in the creek while a flock of cormorants came over the dam from the lake. Gulls were wheeling over the lake as well.
The ugly lump in the grass softened enough that I broke it open and proved it was a puffball. The day was warm but I felt chilled, perhaps by the lack of sunshine. The overcast showed pleating at times. A
basilica orb weaver left a strand of pearl egg cases dangling in a different dogwood.
The nearly full moon looked misty as it rose.
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