A dove was the first to appear. Then white throated sparrows scurried around the patio and one flew up to the feeder. Three blue jays flew across the yard to the maple and a minute later flew back behind the bedrooms. Chickadees and finches took over the feeder perch. Something big landed up in the neighbor's pine but flew back the way it came and all I got was a sense of size. The sunshine leaked through the clouds and the creek was as flat as a mirror.

By afternoon, the creek surface was ruffled. A flock of about a dozen hooded mergansers fished up and down the creek followed by some cormorants. I could hear a kingfisher but never glimpsed it. The crows were upset at something over by the water tower. I took some pictures of the spider egg sacks hanging like a string of pearls. It was very hard to get them in focus in midair. The black swallowtail caterpillars were still chowing down.
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