Back to arising at dawn. The creek was busy early with pelicans and herons and rafts of ruddy ducks, but it didn't last. A titmouse and a downy woodpecker made brief appearances while the yellow rumps, white throats, and juncos hung around. I saw a Carolina wren down by the water in a saltbush. Later a buzzard circled. The day was warm and sunny but windy. The mealworms disappeared overnight and I saw a squirrel licking the plate. The white throats turned up their beaks at them.

Several herons watched the creek or flew over during the afternoon. At one point I saw three. Two stalking under the bulkhead maintained about 15 feet of separation. Pelicans, gulls, and buzzards made sporadic fly-bys, but didn't catch anything that I saw. I noticed the "string of pearls" spider eggs made it through the winter storms. Some kind of bug flew past me but I think the wind cancelled out the sun as far as invertebrates were concerned. A wren scolded me and everything else as it worked its indignant way around the yard. A song sparrow paid a brief visit to the feeder.
The sky was clear all day, but moonrise was misty and streaky. The moon was past full but still round.
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