Soft clouds blended imperceptibly into blue sky. The yellow rumped warblers arrived first, then white throated sparrows. Then a pair of cardinals and a pair of woodpeckers and two Carolina wrens joined in, though only this one got up on the feeder. A white throat and a downy briefly shared the suet. On the creek I glimpsed a large, dark duck or possibly goose. A great blue heron rested on the dock.
The clouds were all gone by late morning. And the creek was still an unruffled mirror.

At lunch the chickadees finally showed up. Afterward, I saw a hooded merganser pair bathing. Then a bread bag came downstream imitating a fish. I coated a wet flowerpot base with chili powder to see if that would deter the squirrels from eating mealworms. Before I'd even added the bugs, a squirrel poked his nose in and had to wash it off in the birdbath. The poor, sad, frozen rosemary put out a few blossoms. I saw a fly but no bees.
Sunset was streaky and later Venus looked misty.
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