During breakfast, the feeders were deserted. As I passed the school, a sharp shinned hawk zoomed in front of me. I saw a robin on my way back. But when I pulled into the driveway, things got lively. A brown creeper was scampering around the sweet gum trunk. A pair of cardinals were in the azaleas. A woodpecker inspected the pecan while a chickadee perched in the dogwood.

The woodpecker came around to the patio for lunch. And the notch-tail squirrel scarfed up the mealworms I'd put in my chili-powder-lined flowerpot base. So that idea didn't work. The cloud cover thinned and allowed weak sunlight.

The sky continued to clear as the afternoon went on. Juncos and white throats appeared. Warblers and woodpeckers traded off at the suet.
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