At breakfast, a family of titmice commuted between feeder, dogwood, and cherry. A squirrel with a sore right arm came for a drink. Later another sprawled where the concrete was in the shade.

Lots of dragonflies and a few butterflies were out in the hot sun. I saw a yellow skimmer, several saddlebags and a mating pair of somethings. The saddlebags patrolled at treetop height. The house wrens stayed busy but paused to sing. Finally a skink appeared after weeks without seeing one!
The predicted thunderstorm did not appear. Wispy cumulus clouds rushed out of the South and the afternoon felt a bit drier as well as breezy. A blue dasher perched on a thorny rose branch. Late in the afternoon, the overhead patrol was taken up by twelve-spotted skimmers.

A great crested flycatcher hung around all afternoon. It was in every
tree and bush, wheep-ing. A hummer visited but rejected the juice, so K
took it in to wash. The regulars were busy around the yard, as were the house wrens.
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