Not a whole lot to see this morning. I was running errands and saw the library mockingbird. The regulars visited the feeder and the house wrens kept working. A big Muscovy duck took a look at our pool then waddled downhill toward some geese. The crape myrtle burst into bloom this morning, joining the lantana, nandina, and gardenia. The bugs had not yet discovered the lantana. Fat cumulus cloud piles sailed East.

The spider webs were all gone from around the front porch. In fact, the only sign of insects was a mud dauber nest high up. In the back yard, a female blue dasher dragonfly occupied one of the shorter perches. I saw an osprey banking over the creek. As usual, there were foolish beetles and spiders to rescue from the water.

I was in Norfolk in the evening when the swallows pirouetted above the roofs. A huge flat-topped cloud to the South flushed gold, then rose, on my way home. The crows were circling around their favorite winter gathering spot where 264 crosses 64. Fireflies were out when I got home. It was still above 90.
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