A little rain fell overnight and the morning sky was full of clouds. I think the sunflowers grew an inch overnight. Titmice and a Carolina wren joined the usual feeder birds. K hung fresh juice for the hummer.

By mid morning the sky was clear and the dragonflies were out. I also saw a black swallowtail flitting around but ignoring the herbs.
According to
this, the moment of solstice today was 12:39pm here. I took a photo of a chair's shadow. Around midday, a widow skimmer took a perch on the patio. It did not stay long and the saddlebags returned around 2pm.

The pool was packed with leaves - the heat and wind and insufficient rain stressed the dogwoods. The house wrens started singing again after the sun slid West. A little green heron flew overhead squawking. A few wispy clouds sped out of the Southwest. Wasps visited the remaining flowers on the rue. A
blue black mud wasp flicked its wings continually, whether irritated or delighted, I don't know.
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