The West wind did not deter honeybees. The regulars showed up at the seed feeder. An egret flew upstream. And a piece of rope on the concrete resolved itself into a small snake. The sky was intensely blue with cream puff clouds.

I went down to the dock to see how things were after the flood. An egret perched up in the trees. Other egrets and a heron flew over. A flock of geese paddled downstream and waddled up into the neighbors' yard. Later one of the kids ran them off. Mallards were out on the water and cormorants in the sky. A small bird flew past me under the dock and landed on the next upstream. I was facing into the sun to take its picture. A friend on
HRWE identified it as a
spotted sandpiper.

Last weekend's Northeaster blew the needles off that side of the redwood. It blew over the flowering saltbush. I saw one spike of phragmites among the spartina. The sky got hazy and streaky with pressure ridges and bubbles of cloud. The sun was hot until it got close to the horizon.
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