It was sunny with just a breath of a breeze, but heavy dew and a real chill to the air. The creek was flat and reflected the sunlit trees. A
slantface grasshopper got inside somehow and was sitting on the window frame. I evicted it with some difficulty and it hung around outside all morning. The grass was full of dew covered funnel webs.

Down by the dam, a Great and a Snowy egret appeared to get along, for a while. The male downy was back for breakfast and the early sun cast odd shadows through the suet cage on the woodpecker's feathers. All the regulars came too. Robins and cedar waxwings invaded the dogwood for berries. They ate fast and were gone. I
think I spotted an oriole with them.

The tide was in and mallards perched on the neighbors' flooded dock. The wind was more evident out over the water, making the reflections waver. A cormorant fished along the dam. The spotless spotted sandpiper showed up again. A great blue heron flew downstream.
At lunch time, first a catbird and then a mockingbird ate beauty berries. An orange sulphur butterfly flitted all over.
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