The temperature certainly dropped over night. The sky cleared and the sun shone on slack water at dawn. Later the wind ruffled the surface while geese and mallards paddled. A male downy came to breakfast.

At lunchtime I spied a yellow rumped warbler, first butterbutt of the season. The beautyberry was fast shedding its leaves but trees were mostly still green. Squirrels were digging up the acorns others had buried. Despite the chilly wind, honeybees and yellow jackets worked hard. Something small and yellow-brown was flitting around but never landed where I could see. My guess was skippers but they could have been moths.

Below the feeder, there were a lot of blue jay feathers from various parts of the bird. I don't know if it got away or if the predator carried it away to eat. Maybe that's why birds have been scarce since we got home?
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