It was still raining in the morning. Geese were out on the creek and a few chickadees came to the feeder, which was getting low. I tossed some mealworms out the door. The air was still and the creek undisturbed except by raindrops. A squirrel ventured out on thin twigs to get at the redwood cones, of which there weren't many this year.

Breaks in the clouds let the sun shine around 11am. Suddenly the back yard was full of wings. I finally saw the female downy on the suet. A female red bellied woodpecker tested every small tree trunk. It had competition from a male and a female yellow bellied sapsucker. One of the wrens paid a brief visit. Chickadees were joined on the feeder by titmice. Cardinals lurked in the shrubbery as did a mockingbird.

The clouds returned by early afternoon. After a late lunch, I saw hooded mergansers on the creek. The titmice returned along with house finches and chickadees. Both downy woodpeckers wanted more suet and retreated to the dogwood to argue. I saw the red bellied woodpecker again in the dogwood.
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