The prediction was for an overcast day but the dawn fog lifted and by 10am the clouds were begining to break. The downy woodpeckers were up early, as were sparrows. When the song sparrow first popped up right in front of the window, it raised and lowered its tiny excuse for a crest. I saw a hooded merganser and buffleheads on the creek, all males. An egret flew over. Doves arrived as the sky began to clear, and annoyed the white throated sparrows.

By afternoon the sky was blue with fair-weather cumulus blowing past on a wind from the Southwest. Right about 3pm I saw a butterfly! It was orange but with a light colored body, maybe a fritillary. And the temperature broke another record.
The sky stayed clear and the air warm right through sunset, though the wind brought a chill. The moon was bright overhead in the night.
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