As the light grew stronger, the fog thickened. The air was warm and wet. Egrets came flying from the North about 7am, followed by cormorants. The cormorants flapped at least twice as often as the egrets. Somewhat later a woodpecker shot across my field of view. A little after 8am a flock of cormorants drove fish upstream.

Chickadees and squirrels were out and about. A handful of hooded mergansers plunged into the creek but the light was too dim for the distance. Cardinals and house finches showed up. The Carolina wrens were singing behind the house. Lots of birds were flitting about the bushes, including a tufted titmouse and a yellow rumped warbler.

Around 11am three or four juncos poked through the mulch along with a white throat. A blue jay and a couple of titmice hung around the edge of the yard. The rain just dripped.
The rain trailed off in the afternoon and the sun was almost visible briefly. About 4pm, a great blue heron perched on the dock bench while hooded mergansers paddled around. The water was quite placid but the light was low And, of course, there were mallards and Canada geese. A marigold was still blooming in the warmth. And there were mushrooms.
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