Clouds cleared early but the temperature was low enough for ice on the birdbath. The feral cat made its presence known and birds were late arriving. Finally a downy woodpecker ventured to the suet. Then a flock of white throats showed up along with the butterbutt and the oriole. A titmouse and the red bellied woodpecker also sought suet. Cardinals argued with the sparrows over sunflower seeds. A couple of doves wanted to see if the birdbath had melted.

Then a female bluebird landed on the seed feeder and couldn't understand why other birds wanted anything there. She then tried the suet and was not impressed. But, like Goldilocks, the third try was a success as she discovered the mealworms. Soon the male joined her. A song sparrow also wanted mealworms and they all went back and forth on the dish. Maybe it's time to get the birdhouse installed?

More fishing went on at lunch. A pelican floated on the creek. Herons and egrets and a few gulls flew over. The bluebirds did not return but the song sparrosw had to contend with the oriole. Later in the afternoon, the Carolina wrens wanted their share of mealworms. A couple of robins wanted a drink.
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