Morning was overcast with everything wet and low light. The female kingfisher caught a fish for breakfast and was whacking it on the dock bench while we ate. She had swallowed it by the time I got up to take pictures, and the light was not good. Also breakfasting were downy woodpeckers, song and white throated sparrows, and the butterbutt. A few forsythia flowers joined the daffodils and jessamine - all yellow.

As I was getting ready for my lunch meeting, I saw the red bellied woodpecker but she scrammed before I could get to the camera. The sky began to clear then, and that's when we installed the birdhouse. We put it in the front yard where there could be more open space around it. When I returned around 4pm, the sparrows and the woodpeckers were still at work. A chickadee chased off a nuthatch before I could get a photo. I sat outside for a bit though it was chilly in the shade of the house. And while I was out there, this bluebird zoomed over me in the direction of the new house. Fingers crossed!
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