The birdbath was frozen again and the sky clouded over at first. Two pelicans passed each other over the creek. At breakfast I saw a Carolina wren, a titmouse, a nuthatch, a yellow rumped warbler in the camellia, the oriole, white throat and song sparrows, a downy wood pecker and the regular three: cardinal, house finch, and chickadee. The wren has taken to chasing away sparrows that get too close to the mealworms. Afterward, my hands were free and I was ready to count. So, where did all the birds go? Eventually they began to reappear. I counted a great blue heron, 3 mallards, a pelican, a downy, a cormorant and 3 crows. Humpf.

Then, while the sky cleared, I was gone till lunch. I didn't wait till I finished eating this time. The female red bellied woodpecker, a titmouse, and the oriole came for their treats. White throated sparrows foraged. A buzzard circled over the creek and then 6 crows flew over. A heron was in its usual spot on the dock by the dam. A pelican flew upstream.

In the afternoon I tried watching from the office window. A couple of crows were stationed outside. A Carolina wren sat in a bush. I think I saw a flicker but there was too much vegetation in the way. A pair of mallards, a female bufflehead, 7 geese, and 2 herons were on or around the water. One heron was on the snag on the lake, the other on its favorite piling on the creek. Then a flock of cormorants came through driving a school of fish right past the heron on the post.
This was not an exciting start to the
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