It looked like rain all day, but none fell. As we were leaving for church, I spied a cicada killer buzzing around the lantana. Fiery skippers were also feeding on the lantana.

Wasps, the buckeye, and dragonflies were out in the noonday heat. A dragonfly with only three wings seemed to fly without trouble. A tiny skink, not much longer than an inch, zipped around on the hot concrete, then hid under the morning glory. A tiger swallowtail flitted across the yard. A couple of night herons appeared to be disputing space on the dock but both flew off as soon as I glimpsed them.

Something landed in the redwood but was obscured by the foliage. I thought it was a little green heron, but now I'm not sure. In the pool, I found lots of beetles and small wasps, and robber fly. A wolf spider protected her egg "pearl." The black widow may have moved on since the water level rose. Titmice came for seeds.
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