At lunch, a threadbare blanket of cloud slid East as the temperature peaked and began to drop. A palamedes swallowtail appeared to be nectaring on the hibiscus. A saddlebags made the topmost candle on the pine home base for its forays.
Bluebirds, cardinals, and a dove ate wild cherries. The dove landed on the patio and flaunted its tail like a turkey. A bluetailed skink waggled its full-lenght tail as it sneaked up on the rosemary. The rosemary began to put out a few flowers after its hiatus.

Rain started on the nose at 3pm as predicted, so I never really got outside. I thought I saw wrens around the seed feeder, but I could have been mistaken. A hummer visited the fresh feeder. The rain trailed off toward supper time but began to sprinkle later. Idiots shot off fireworks for the fourth night in a row.
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