It was quite overcast at breakfast. I saw an osprey land in the pines across the creek, but it was obscured by the trees on our side. The hummers drank the feeder dry, so I swapped it out. When I went to the library, I heard that they were trying to discourage the mockingbirds that nest there. (I'll take 'em!) The farm stand was very busy but I got squash.

The sky cleared around noon and clouded up again about two hours later. The sun got through hazy patches some of the time. I hurried to pick figs before it got too warm. Dragonflies appeared with the sun. Atop the pine was a four-spotted pennant, first I've seen this year. The slime mold looked unchanged. The black swallowtail was back, as was the pearl crescent and fiery skippers. One skipper discovered the hummer juice. Wasps kept harassing each other on the rue. I rescued a mama wolf spider who did not trust me. A skink wandered around the pool steps after I got out. One hummer chased another over the roof.
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