The cold front brought out the sun and normal winter temperatures. Woodpeckers - downy & red bellied - and the kinglet joined us for breakfast. Buffleheads and herons fished, but ignored the dead fish lining the far bank where the current deposited them. I wonder how this pulse of organic matter will affect the creek ecosystem. It certainly made the buzzards happy.

The pine and yellow rumped warblers came at lunch time to finish off the nubbin of suet. A titmouse helped. Juvenile ring billed gulls tried to fish like ducks. Turtles felt warm enough to haul out onto logs lining the lake.

The light was going when I got home, but I could still identify white throats and a wren around the birdbath. Clouds made for a streaky sunset in shades from yellow to purple. The first quarter moon was overhead as gulls flew past.
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