The ice extended farther and looked thicker under a gray sky. The birdbath refroze quickly, and then there was a short flurry of snow. The warblers, pine and yellow rumped, were undaunted. Downy woodpeckers contested possession of the suet with the warblers. A blue jay went for mealworms (but not the quinoa) and a titmouse for sunflower seeds.

Juncos, Carolina wrens, and white throats scurried all around the patio. The kinglet slipped in and got some suet before the "big" warblers scared him away.

A turkey vulture perched up in a pine tree, its silhouette looking like Dracula. A great blue heron rested on the neighbors' dock. Another perched on one of the snags in the lake. The light was very poor in the morning and I got few decent photos. Then I was gone for the rest of the day.
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