Sunlit trees reflected in the still shaded creek ran like molten copper. A pine warbler was up early, possibly to avoid its bullying kin, the butterbutt.

Downy woodpeckers had to compete with the tiny kinglet. The red bellied woodpecker showed up a bit later. Finally a Carolina wren got a turn at the suet. White throats pecked at the patio, the sunflower seeds in the feeder, and the mealworms in the dish, but left the suet alone. A couple of blue jays also preferred the mealworms.

A flock of buzzards haunted the dam. A great blue heron stalked along the bulkhead. Ripples revealed a bufflehead. Mallards were on hand as usual. One of the squirrels had noticeably bushier, white back-of-the-ears fur.

Starlings and red winged blackbirds argued over the suet after scaring all the other birds off. I was gone all afternoon.
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