The male goldfinch was back. Clouds put on quite a show of sun beams. Dogwood berries had turned red but the acorns were still green. But despite the conditions, I didn't see much.

I evicted a frog and a spider from the skimmer. Sadly, there was a battered butterfly in the water. I could not tell whether it had been a black swallowtail or a red spotted purple. Another dark butterfly flitted over the water. A blue dasher was stationed on the perch.

A small flock of geese were stationary on the still water, as though waiting for something. Then the blue jays started screaming and crows flew in to help. I've no idea what the ruckus was about. I did wonder if the jays were faking. They were feasting on acorns, dropping shrapnel on the ground for unwary feet.

Later, a blue jay in the midst of a bad molt grabbed some bark butter balls while I sat about six feet away. I didn't attempt a picture, in the hope that it would return. The male goldfinch also decided to visit despite my presence, though I was a bit farther from the ant moat. A hummer appeared within minutes after I hung a fresh feeder.
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