First thing in the morning, they were chasing each other. And that wretched (but gorgeous) goldfinch continued to torment me. Small orangy-brown butterflies flitted around and a black swallowtail did its Muhammad Ali imitation. A hummer buzzed a squirrel on the post but then decided to wait it out. Afterwards it took out its frustration on a chickadee.

A pileated woodpecker came looking for a handout but we'd moved the suet to the front patio. A bluebird landed up in the oak. A couple of blue jays flew from tree to tree, possibly a parent trying to ditch an offspring. I think I heard a brown headed nuthatch squeek.

In the pool, I rescued a weevil, an earwig, and a female fiddler crab! Blue dashers, slaty skimmers, a saddlebags, and an amberwing dragonfly hunted bugs, but even so, some no-see-ums found me. Bees and wasps swarmed the milkweed. Several skinks ventured out.

After dark, moths and a stinkbug came to the window. So did a
greater angle-wing katydid.
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