Clouds came and went in the morning but looked like rain more often than not. Blue morning glories bloomed. A snowy egret looked down at the dam spillway. The raggedy hummer came back. Blue jays fussed at each other over the rain-melted bark butter balls.

The rain held off till afternoon so I got some time in the pool. I left the camera in the house though, just in case. I pitched two dead frogs down the hill and evicted two live ones I found in the skimmer. No doubt they'll be back. I also rescued a couple of mama spiders. Another spider, unencumbered with offspring, insisted on a spot on the ladder - it jumped back into the pool when I fished it out. A monarch and a tiger swallowtail argued over the milkweed. I saw a cicada killer hunting.

The great crested flycatcher was back too. They look as cuddly as a teddy bear. A bar winged skimmer used the bamboo perch while a slaty skimmer perched on a dead dogwood twig. A skink caught a bug right in the middle of the patio. A couple more skinks ventured out later. A duskywing skipper flitted around rather close to where I'd recently seen a skink.

There were a couple of deluges with damp mist between. A great egret rested on the dock. I believe I saw a
Mississippi kite! It was raining under scary clouds when I went off to my meeting. Coming home after dark was drier but distant lightning flashed and I was glad to pull into the garage.
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