I took out all sorts of bird bribes after breakfast. A female oriole and a female downy did not want to share the suet. The lurking red-bellied woodpecker revealed himself as a male. Juncos returned from wherever they hid out during the warm spell. A female chased off a male that got too close to her seeds.

A male flicker prowled around the far side of the pool. Two blue jays came down for bark butter balls. I also counted a red breasted nuthatch and a white breasted nuthatch, pine and myrtle warblers, and white throated sparrows.

During lunch, the creek got more attention. A couple of great blackback gulls fished along with pelicans and cormorants. Mallards paddled on the placid water. Crows and great blue herons watched.

After lunch I went outside and immediately the rain began so I was glad to watch through the window. A Carolina wren and a titmouse showed up. The camera struggled with the low light even though there weren't rain streaks. Soon the cormorants were commuting home.
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