Morning continued dreary and wet, though not actually rainy. It was warm for February. A pelican coasted upstream on the wind. A nuthatch visited the feeder. White throats foraged.

By lunchtime, wind gusts made the trees thrash and leaves rise from the dead. Crows appeared to be windsurfing. Myrtle warblers found the fresh bark butter. Pine warblers tried to avoid them. The two female downy woodpeckers got into another fight.

Two Carolina wrens got along much better. A couple of titmice didn't share but didn't fight either. A crow got a big bite of bark butter but found it too awkward to eat more. (I have the bark butter very securely fastened.)

Around 3pm the overcast began to blow apart and soon there was sunshine. The wind was too much for waterfowl, but the feeders were busy. A goldfinch paused on the seed feeder hanger. The wind blew a cardinal's crest straight up and rumpled a downy.
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