Friday, January 31, 2025

Warm and wet

It was raining when I got up.  A downy mourned the lack of suet and ate a few seeds.  A couple of white throats ran around.  A myrtle warbler perched on a chair arm, maybe to remind me about empty feeders.  Mallards collected on the dock.

Sunshine appeared around lunch time so I refilled the barkbutter dish.  That brought bluebirds, blue jays, a myrtle warbler, and a female oriole. A pine warbler became interested in seeds.  The wind became very strong.  I noticed that the camellia buds had survived last week's freeze and were blooming.  A pair of ruddy ducks bobbed in the water beside the dock.  

Rain returned in the night.  According to the weather report, we were one degree shy of the record high for the last day of January.  However, the month was unusually dry. 

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