Tuesday, January 28, 2025


The creek was at last free of ice.  Pelicans fished throughout the morning.  They may have been avoiding the wind over more open water.  I saw quite a few buffleheads on the water.  Titmice were up early.  A mockingbird checked the barkbutter dish but found only dust.  Starlings raided the suet and fought with each other.  A myrtle warbler noticed there was water in the birdbath.  The male red bellied woodpecker came back for suet and argued with the mockingbird.  

We had nuthatches at lunch, first the white breasted, then the brown headed.  A pine warbler noticed that I refilled the dishes.  A very determined squirrel tried to break into the seed feeder.  Two others chased each other.  The sky was blue but hazy.  A whole flock of ruddy ducks paddled downstream, diving along the way.  

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