Thursday, January 16, 2025


24° the thermometer read!  The creak was almost completely ice covered.  The ant moat was frozen as well as the birdbath.  White throats busily hunted calories to keep warm.  I was not willing to venture outside at breakfast to feed the birds.  Starlings and warblers hoped anyway.  At lunch, a Carolina wren joined the white throats foraging.  Bluebirds chose seeds.   So did a red belly and a downy, both female.  The ice remained, though by then the temperature was up in the 40s.  A female oriole couldn't even get a drink.  

Since it was warmer, I restocked the jelly and barkbutter, but left the suet for another day.  Brown headed nuthatches came for seeds in the afternoon.  Blue jays, warblers, and bluebirds were happy to see the barkbutter balls.   The sky remained overcast all day as it tends to do when winter air gets warmer.  


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