Friday, February 19, 2016


The first thing I saw was the dredge survey boat headed upstream.  It came back down around 10am.  The creek was quite placid with a few geese and a pair of hoodies and a pair of buffleheads. A gull was sitting on our dock and I saw other gulls land on the creek.   The great blue heron was down in its favorite spot on the dock with the bronze heron sculpture.  Then it plunged down into the creek.  I had never seen such a thing.  It looked very wet but fluffed up quickly. 

Up in the yard, the warbler continued to try to guard its suet.  A titmouse snuck in a visit to the sunflower seeds.  Two wrens took over the suet.  Later one serenaded the other from the dogwood.  Both downy and red bellied woodpeckers also visited the suet.  I saw a song sparrow briefly.

In the middle of the morning there was a loud bang on the new window and I turned around to see two birds in midair battle.  I suspect they were warblers but couldn't be sure.  But as I looked around, I noticed there were juncos on the ground right outside, a white breasted nuthatch in the cherry, and a blue jay making the rounds.

At lunch time there were lots of buffleheads on the creek diving.  A female cardinal visited the feeder and upset the warbler.  Two Carolina wrens explored the bunched up pool cover.

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