Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Mellow day

The clouds were back but every so often the sun would get through.  As I ate breakfast outside, the creek was a mirror for the trees, reflecting light that had not yet touched the water.  The blooming salt bush added sparkle to the shade.  There were buds on the  yellow rose. 

The clouds were fewer and there was more clear sky in the afternoon, but the sunlight was still frequently blocked.  The squirrel's drey was refurbished with green leaves.  While swimming I discovered a drama on the pool ladder.  A grasshopper had ascended the slick chrome railing and was, I think, drying out from a pool bath.  But below it on the railing was a spider, just sitting and waiting.

A mockingbird preened in the cherry by the fence, but didn't hang around for a picture.  A chickadee pretended to be a nuthatch on the oak.  Every  time I thought I saw something interesting, it turned out to be a house finch.  A red bellied woodpecker paid the tree a brief visit.  I could hear blue jays,but they stayed out of sight.

On the way home I glimpsed the creamy new moon as it followed the sun out of sight.  It was sharp and thin and reflected too little light to think of taking a picture.

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