Saturday, April 18, 2020

Soaking rain

Rain fell all morning.  Starlings were shocked by the empty suet feeder, which they had helped empty.  A downy woodpecker clung to the post trying to make suet appear.  A Carolina wren scouted for new food sources.  Eventually the downy  turned to the bark butter balls. 

After lunch, the overcast tore apart exposing rifts of blue sky.  The sun pulled steam from the wet pool cover.  Raindrops glittered on leaves, but the camera couldn't see what I was seeing.  I wonder if the sparkle is actually a shift in the light so fast that it blends in my sight, but not in the camera?

An ambitious squirrel climbed the shepherd's crook to get to the bark butter balls.  But the hot pepper worked and the squirrel abandoned its prize to go get a drink. 

An egret stalked through the shallows at low tide, catching little fish.  It flew up and perched on a post that put it fairly close to me.  That's when I saw the aigrettes and green nares that showed it was ready to breed.  One turtle  was on the log after lunch but three hours later there was a crowd. 

A crow landed on the post but saw nothing of interest.  A blue jay was more optimistic. It tried the seed feeder but was too heavy.  A crane fly tried to pass through the glass. 

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