Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Lovely weather

Blue jays and hummers were early again.  The creek shone with reflected sunlight.  A bumblebee visited the sunflower.  The sky was very blue, the air warm, and the breeze light. 

I rescued a young skink, or rather, it swam up to me and demanded my aid.  And I evicted two frogs.  After some searching I located the two monarch caterpillars, each underneath a leaf.  Two dark butterflies danced or dueled, then flew in separate directions.  I'm fairly certain the nearer one was a palamedes swallowtail.  A new-to-me butterfly hid behind vegetation.  I only saw it because I was tracking a weevil.  

I thought I saw a strange bird on the dock but it was a pair of mallards.  Then I realized that above them was a kingfisher.  My day for seeing a surprise while focused on something else. 

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