Thursday, September 5, 2024


This morning the Argiope spider was gone, as was any trace of the web.  I think that must mean the departure was intentional.  Perhaps she wanted a place where debris wouldn't blow into the web.   The brown headed nuthatches conducted more stealthy raids on the seeds.  Blue jays went for barkbutter balls as usual.  The sunflower bloomed. 

Overcast and wind made a chilly day.  I went swimming anyway because the pool needed cleaning, but I didn't linger.  I wonder if the frog was relieved or disappointed?  As I was dripping and shivering, I noticed a small spider lurking in the mountain mint.  Like the much larger Argiope, it paired up its legs, appearing to have four instead of eight.  The best match I found was the arrowhead orbweaver Verrucosa arenata but I don't think it's right.  

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