Chickadees and finches and squirrels came for breakfast.

Lots of afternoon drama with Canada geese who brought a creche of 12 or more goslings to swim. The older goslings got out ok, but the eight or so young ones couldn't make it despite the height of the water. One parent attacked me across the pool - very impressive display. I tried to net the young ones, but the goose attacked the net and almost drowned the one I'd caught. I cannot lift a full grown goose at the end of a pole! So then I tried a rock on the top step and that worked. The half drowned one had difficulty following the rest and got caught at the fence for a long time. I lost sight of it which I hope means it found its way. There were eight adults, only two of which were babysitting.
After I hustled them down to the creek, I saw a snowy egret and a yellow-crowned night heron. There is a bird nesting in the mechanism of the boat lift across the creek. It may be a starling. A hair streak flitted down the dock. The day and the sun got quite hot. K saw a hummer though all I caught was a blur.
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