A wren is still working hard at the feeder. A titmouse picked at something on the roses. Later a wren did the same. Cardinals and chickadees showed up, and then a white breasted nuthatch. The nuthatch tried to get on the feeder but the cardinal wouldn't budge. After running up and down the post, it gave up and flew off. Then a tiny squirrel appeared and white spot ran it off. It kept coming back though it flinched from any other squirrel.

Then the geese showed up. The goslings and their sitter were in the yard next door, but seven anxious adults marched into my yard. I herded them over to the fence hoping they would fly over, but they did an end run around me. One large goose gave a smaller goose a bill slap. But they did leave before they could add much fertilizer to the grass. And me in my bare feet.

The sun is finding occasional gaps in the cloud cover. Some butterflies flew past to quickly for sure identification. The nuthatch returned and this time got to eat. Six little squirrels worked over the mulch and attempted to puzzle out the feeder. They did not get along well. I wonder if they're the ones white spot was nursing? I couldn't get them all into one shot. And now it is raining, which was not predicted.
The rain is continuing and the temperature has dropped. A male towhee came to kick the wet mulch around. The wrens keep working. The geese made another attempt to visit. It is quite dark for mid-day. And now late afternoon, the sun is shining. But dark clouds are moving fast. A scruffy looking squirrel chased off the little ones. Then a dove landed and startled it. Meanwhile, a wren is tearing into the roses and rue. I assume it is gathering insects. It and another also come to the feeder. Finches have been holding position there with cardinals and chickadees slipping in.
The clouds were almost gone by sunset. About the time the light faded from the sky, I startled a raccoon that was on the feeder.
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