Four squirrels behaving badly, lots of chasing and tussling. One is clearly hoping to mount someone, anyone. White spot held her rear flat to the concrete so he couldn't do anything. During one chase, the two knocked over a third one. On the feeder, finches and chickadees.

A hoot of an
article on what state birds ought to be. Meanwhile I continue to have no luck photographing either swallows or dragonflies. An osprey hovered over the lake but didn't come to the creek. Later another osprey passed overhead. Finally I caught a couple of swallows in silhouette! And I think they may be
chimney swifts. The sound and the tail shape fit.

A tiger swallowtail flew from treetop to treetop. A female towhee was all over the yard while a pileated woodpecker went to work on the roof of the neighbor's gazebo. The woodpecker went screeching past just as my camera battery flashed empty. I wasn't going to waste time changing batteries so most of the woodpecker photos came out fuzzy.
A click beetle landed on me. I saw another beetle I fear was a borer. The wasps are still mad for rue nectar.
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