Two lines of goslings were escorted downstream. No birds showed up so I went to check the feeders at breakfast and it was already hot. The feeders are now refilled. I dumped the sugar water and candied ants where I hope they will draw other ants away from the feeder.

A skink scuttled across the patio and a black swallowtail flitted around. A tiny gold-green damsel fly butted the window and big black dragonflies with clear wings zoomed past. Wasps are busy. In the front yard, I believe I hear cries of hunger from the nest on the downspout.
It clouded over during the afternoon and the wind picked up so it was not so hot. When I got home at 6pm, I saw skinks. The squirrel with the white spot was laying down the law to two younger ones. One tried everything to get into the feeder, but no joy. White spot discovered where I dumped the ants and hummer juice and licked it for a while. The male towhee stopped in as did a Carolina wren.
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