The cold front yesterday dropped temperatures back into the 70s. I don't think any measurable rain ever fell. It is still windy and the early blue sky has gone overcast. Squirrels never stop. One appears to have been bitten on the eyelid.

The usual bird trio was joined by a Carolina wren. A female hummer visited several times and also took an interest in the lavender. Egrets are haunting the bulkhead across the creek. A smaller bird chased a raptor across the clouds but all I could see were silhouettes. The first day lily has bloomed and the Egyptian pea vine has some blossoms. Since yesterday, the gardenia bush has burst into bloom. Spatters of rain appeared around 9am and the sun has come-and-gone since.
The afternoon brought more blue sky but with menacing clouds lurking on the horizons. I cam home down Witchduck and saw a turtle crossing. It arrived safely at the lower lake.
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