One squirrel was following too close and the other went up the feeder post. He followed her up so she went out on the feeder roof. He made to follow and she fell off! So, after landing like a cat, she picked up a seed like nothing happened. He came back down and a couple of minutes later he was nosing her tail again. She left, then he left. I am assuming the sexes from the behavior. Some finches were about to land on the feeder, but the goings on were too much for them.

I fished out of the water the largest ant I've ever seen - black shading to red underneath. I thought it was a wasp, but it had no wings. There were several click beetles in the pool too. Dragonflies are out in force, finally giving the wasps some competition. This is a male pondhawk. A cabbage butterfly and a tiger and a black swallowtail passed through. The orb spider is still in the same place.
Both feeders have been cleaned and have fresh food. The usual feeder birds were joined by a Carolina wren. Some excited cheeping was going on up in a pine tree. Mallard drakes napped down near the creek. K saw a skink and a female hummer at lunch. The sky has been gradually clouding up all morning and the
first tropical storm of the season is expected tomorrow.
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