Squirrels are foraging and chasing each other. Otherwise, not much is going on. I filled the birdbath and tied up the gladiolas because severe weather is predicted. As soon as I went in, a titmouse appeared, as did the usual three. A parade of large dragonflies crossed the patio from East to West and over the roof for about 10 minutes. One diverted to bang into the window and knock itself onto its back. It recovered quickly, but first I got this shot. I think it is a
Swamp Darner.

The storm finally roared in a little after 5pm. The clouds were very dark but the sun found some cracks. The wind whipped the trees and drove the birds under cover. Rain didn't begin for nearly an hour. After the winds died down, the birds were very hungry. The female towhee showed up along with the usual suspects.
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