Apparently we got through the cold front faster than predicted. The elegant towhee couple came to breakfast but were disturbed by the rowdy adolescent squirrels. I saw five of them at one point. They climbed all over the furniture. One scared off a butterfly that had landed on a table. Another crawled into the watering can. Another went for several rides on the bird feeder. And one hid under the gladiola leaves. A brown thrasher shouldered past them and emerged triumphant with a worm. Lots of chickadees hung out in the rosebush. House finches and cardinals shared the feeder. The sky is a hazy blue and the wind is gusty.
The towhees and thrasher have been back and a Carolina wren took over the feeder. Then the wren flew into an azalea bush. A little while later, a moth emerged with the wren in hot pursuit. The wren caught the moth in mid air and took it off to the family while I sat with a camera in my hands unused. A green dragonfly cruised over the flowers, probably a pondhawk.
In the afternoon, a brown thrasher got into the garage and couldn't find the way out. The birds that get in the garage always land on top of the open door and then can't see the opening. Eventually it disappeared.
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